Friday, February 27, 2009

jon and zac

hello there.

my life is super busy. this past year i joined ballet, continued in piano, and debate, and nhs, and stuco, and french club, and national french honor society, joined 2 youth groups, work in the nursery, joined the bowling team, and the winter guard team. and i have learned that i do not posess the ability to say no. haha. but life is wonderful. i'm having new experiences and making friends with people i never would have expected. i also attend a catholic youth group now. it's quite incredible.

lately i've been reading a book, or rather just finished a book by rob bell called velvet elvis. it was an incredibly insightful read and i encourage all who have not read it to do so immediately. literally get in your car and go buy this book. it's the most refreshing take on christianity that i have ever come upon. his viewpoint and his enthusiasm make you remember what made you want to follow God in the first place. it's lovely.

alright well i've got to run to practice, but i promise that i will blog more often. : )

1 comment:

  1. haha. sweet. thank you. :-)

    Have you read the Ragamuffin Gospel?

    If not, that should be your next book.

    Oh, and now that you are converting to the dark side of my fascination with Catholicism... the third book on your list should be Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton... and in all your free time, when you feel like being a smart kid... give Everlasting Man a try.

    But seriously...
