Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Small Grievance

Dear grandma,

I had thought we had a deal. If not a deal, then at least an understanding. You had told me that you would stay with us until I was married and had a baby. I got married, but I thought I still had you on the hook for the second part. I wasn't ready yet. I wasn't ready to have a baby, and I wasn't ready for you to leave. I guess you caught on to my game and called my bluff...but I heard you'd bought fabric to make me a baby blanket. I haven't found it yet, but I will. I'm pretty good with a needle, if I know what direction to head. I wish you were here to give it to the kid yourself, whenever we decide to have one. Thank you for thinking ahead and leaving a part of you for a future part of me. I love you.

Love always,
your granddaughter

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