Tuesday, March 3, 2009

just leave it alone

i'm finding in my life that i say yes to everything and everyone. i work very very hard to please everyone in my life, and i'm finding that although i love being busy, i get very irritable in this state. much of this comes out on my mother who has good intentions, but puts forth her "why aren't you doing this too" guilt trips in a very irritating manner that make me explode. why don't you volenteer more, why don't you spend more time with the family, i didn't hear you practice piano very long, why did you make that grade. all this to say that i am a busy bee. bees have stingers. as in. when you irritate them by telling them all the things that they should be doing more in their lives, they will sting you . : )


  1. I have a book to recommend on this topic. MARGIN


  2. thank you chon. if i need help with my finances, i'll be sure to check it out. : )
