Tuesday, July 21, 2015

F is for Fitness

And other words.

My two housemates and I are often on vastly differing schedules from one another, and that often causes us to pass like ships in the night. If we didn't like each other, this would actually be pretty nice, but we do like each other.

For this reason, M and I decided to go on a run last night, despite the fact that it is 1000 degrees of humid outside, and neither of us have run in over a month and never super consistently before that (save my training for my 5K).

And, because we love her, we invited S, too, who apologized profusely for how slow she was, for how she trots instead of runs, and how she was going to inevitably slow us down.

M and I assured her that our "running" was really more of a meander, how our ideal run involved 3 minutes running, 3 minutes walking.

S started the canter straight out of the gate, and we didn't stop until we reached home 3.4 miles later.

We lost M after mile 2--it was a valiant effort.
I'm not sure how I held on, but I'm putting it to sheer curiosity. I really wanted to see how long S was going to hold out for. Forever is the answer. I'm pretty sure she could have gone farther and faster than her pace due to me.

When we turned on to our street, she told me she was going to speed up a bit. That's fine, I thought, I'll speed up a bit too.

She disappeared in some kind of time warp.

When I reached the house, the two of us turned around and walked to go find M.

The moral of the story is, when someone makes apologies for their running, ask more questions or you will end up on an impromptu 5K.

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