Monday, December 11, 2017

Nap till It Ends

Days and seasons whip through me.

It's still fall semester. It has felt longer than a year, and I feel like you can see at least a year imprinted on my face and spirit.

There was an Aflac commercial running a few years back where the duck and a dude are in a little fishing boat, and a hole starts spouting water. Aflac duck plugs it. But then, oh no! Another hole. And another and another and another until he has his whole beak plugging a whole and filling him with water.

There have been some truly good moments, but I feel a little like an Aflac duck. I plug one hole and another spouts. Meanwhile, while my focus is away, another spurt spurts.

To actually have a grip on all the projects and the problems going on, I'd need 18 hands working simultaneously.

At the same time, I'm so thankful to be alive and alive in this stage of life. I often find myself internally angsting hard, but, at the same time, I don't want to wish away my life. I love my life. I love my husband and so many of the people I work with and work for. I love my near and far distance friends.

I love teaching and the ability to share my crazy ideas with people paying to listen. :)

It's just so hard to maintain a spirit of thankfulness in my divided heart and mind when everything in me wants to sleep and sleep and sleep.

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