Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Deep, Pockets That Is

I think I'm wearing boy jeans. I've no actual evidence to support this theory, but I snatched them from the students' give away clothes pile (Jeans and I struggle, so I'm always on the prowl for a fit) and they have pockets large enough to actually hold something in them. Given that all girl jeans have unreasonably small pockets (both front and back and count your lucky charms if the fronts aren't faux), logic stands that they must be male.

I am okay with this fact.

If you're tracking with me, you'll also recognise that a donation pile means I've once again been abandoned. Enormous piles of laundry surround me currently, as I sit at the top of the staircase to write this, and I've got two full months to ready the house for my group of fifty coming in May. This house sleeps 38. I've got some creative rearranging ahead of me.

This past month has been so wonderful (if you've read my few wee posts, you'll already know that. If you haven't, well then, do so as I'm not going to reiterate myself and bore the others).

I've learned just how on the line between introvert and extrovert I am.

Literally have had less than a couple evenings/afternoons by myself and haven't had a hermit breakdown, but I also find myself rather relieved that they're gone.

I've loved them and will miss them dreadfully soon, but my body and type Aness are a bit exhausted and confused at the way I've been treating them.

It's time to rearrange my sleep schedule into normal hours again, start doing my homework thoroughly, and just overall rebecome more productive.

However, I have a couple of things to say in slight defence of how I've lived this past month.

First, I came to Queen's not because I was particularly interested in school (which I was) but because I was interested in Northern Ireland as a place. I fell in love with this country, so I found a program to suit me. Not the other way around.

Therefore, if there was ever an opportunity to explore NI presented to me, of course I chose that (and rightly so!) over secluding myself in the house.

Second, they were only here for a month.

Therefore, it was good and right for me to maximise my time with actual human beings, the likes of which I will not get to be with again until May (at least not in my house).

Third, I have never ever been the type to demonstrate in my life organisation the fact that I value people more than tasks.

It's one of the defining qualities that drew me into NI in the first place, that they do that.

And yet, it goes so much against basically everything I stand for, as I think I've mentioned in a previous post (whichI will link here if I remember what it is).

I just don't. I get things done and THEN will spend time with you.

Not this time.

I think that's important.

Obviously it's not something sustainable for me to do--as it had a direct hit on my actual studies and work--but for a short while, I can not think of anything which would have been more healthy.

So thank you, Jesus.

He is just so good. I never would have even begun to fathom or ask for the beauty and restoration this past month has been for me.

And, because I was so shoddy at posting my adventures throughout the month, keep watch for some tardy write-ups and pictures of them.

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