Friday, April 4, 2014

Flower Power

Do you ever have one of those ideas that you think is really good at the time...and then stops being good the second you start in on it?

I'm having one of those moments.
However, I am having one of those moments while drinking a really delicious, nutritious smoothie involving greek yogurt, milk, vanilla, honey, and a frozen half banana/can of pineapple combo. So that part is encouraging.

No, I decided to write a paper for poetry class about Derek Mahon's excessive use of weather terms in his poetry. No big deal, I think. I'll just give a skim through the poems and jot down the references.

Five double-column single-spaced color-coded word document pages later and 9 hours later...I have made it through 152 pages of 387. I'm gonna need more smoothie.

Spring is officially here in Belfast! My allergies told me so this morning. But take a gander at these flowers. The sniffles are totally worth it. Keep in mind, there are no edits to these pictures.

Okay so these ones aren't from my yard, but double-bell daffodils? Come on. Gorgeous. 
From this enormous Rhododendron (pronounced road-ee-den-dron by David) out back.  

David made me a bouquet 

 Do not I live in the most magical place? Seriously, those blooms!!!

David I guess saw me outside from a window and walked behind me (trying to seem like he was minding his own business and just happened to be going the same direction as me) and casually asked if I had already noticed/photographed various flowers.

He told me how the squirrels last year had eaten all the bulbs and it had killed so many of the tulips but they were all back again. New bulbs, you see. I will mention, 300 new bulbs that he planted, though he would not tell you so. :)

He came back into the house a few minutes after I did and found me in the kitchen (my haunting [and hunting] grounds) with blossoms in hand and arranged them into a jar I pulled down.

I did a wee slideshow of "flowers in review" after taking a shot of the vase, and I think he was pleased. And that pleases me. David is kind. And has dang good taste in flowers.

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