Saturday, April 5, 2014


Logged 6 more hours into poetry notes.
Finished about 60 pages.

At this point, I'm starting to realize that what I'm doing may not actually benefit me in the long run.

However, it is forcing me to stay focused and read the poems without skimming (much).

...and also I'm too OCD tendencied to stop mid-book. I'm over halfway now. Progress has been made!!

In other news, dry cereal, potatoes, and pinterest.

I need groceries.
I leave the country for a week on Monday.

Dry cereal.
And potatoes.

Smashed potatoes, to be specific. Kira first taught me how, then I looked it up on Pinterest (my personal addiction and resource for recipes).
-Boil as many little potatoes as you like until you can stick a fork into them.
-Drizzle olive oil (or any oil) on a baking sheet.
-Potatoes on sheet.
-Smash. (it calls for a potato masher to do this. I used a cup).
-Drizzle with oil.
-Douse with your personal combo of salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme. Or whatever looks good to you at the time.
-Bake at 425 for 25 minutes or until sizzly and brown.

Did I eat 10 in one day?
Yes I did.
It was really very Irish of me.

However, I had forgotten to eat the rest of the day and I chased it with a bottle of water and a bell pepper. In my mind, that equals zero calories.

My Pinteresting today has been with actual purpose!

It's time to get serious about business casual.

[Sidebar: Once, in high school, I was in a Junior Achievement Investment Challenge with a couple of my buddies from finance class and we called ourselves "Team Business Casual." My mates chose by math and logic. I chose by companies with names I liked. It was great. We also won and laughed through the entire awards ceremony at the irony that the team with the Mathless Wonder (me...) would take the gold.]

Went through my entire "style" board. What did I find? Super loose tops, lacey dresses, rings in nature-related shapes. Great.

It's come to that time in my life when I actually have to start dressing like a professional human. Is it sad that wouldn't even know where to start if not for Pinterest?

All right, well. I think it's becoming very apparent that I've been staring at words and screens too long today.

168 pages of poetry to go.
1.25 days until I leave for Austria.

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