Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's Not Easy Being Green

Though I would classify myself as a follower, conformity has never been something that's come easily to me.

My workplace has a definite herd mentality, though, and I've been working hard to maybe fit in a little more. 

One way I have been doing that is through participation in their health kicks. 

They are super about "cleanses". Generally, they are couple cleanses, and I have instructed Julius to notify Area 51 if I ever suggest doing such a thing. 

And yet. Here I am, doing a cleanse. 
I drank the Kool-Aid, folks, or, rather, the green smoothie. 

A lot of green smoothie. 

For three weeks (I'm on day one of week two), I have made myself a green smoothie. 
Let's be honest. 
The going is rough. 

Twice now, I have consumed with many many faces of pain, a smoothie containing an entire grapefruit and a base of spinach. Ain't nothin' could cover that. My insides felt like they were going to dissolve. 

Today's was better. It had a kale base with nearly a whole pineapple, cranberries, and a lime. 
The flavor was delicious. Texture? A whole different story. Imagine drinking a bush. 

On the whole, doing this has been a good practice in learning that conformity doesn't exactly mean brainwashing or losing your identity in deference for oneness. 

Sometimes, joining the herd is just part of gaining some common ground. It gives you something third party and objective to talk about, a shared practice/experience. 

Being your own person is cool and all, but it's kind of lonely sitting back and poking fun or shunning group activities like you're too cool. Being alone isn't cool at all. It's just lonely. 

Sure, you may want them to, you know, like you for you and stuff, but sometimes you have to take a step in their direction just to give them a bridge toward your island of self. 

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