Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Crew Cut

To think that in December, I creepily took their pictures during class without their knowledge to post here (please please judge me. I truly was that pathetic and friendless. ha) and now I go on day dates with them.

These here are my fellow members of the Irish Writing Masters program at Queen's University, Belfast: Amy, Amy, Emma, and Jo.

They are ridiculous and crazy and Irish, and I absolutely love them.

Yesterday, we met up for "lunch."

I went home 10 hours later.

We met up at at the front gates to walk over to Madison's together for some food.
Next took us on a walk of picture taking, followed by dropping Jo off at the bus station, a journey through the botanical gardens until it started raining.
Then to the postgrad centre where we collapsed on bean bags and played, "Pass the Bomb."

Pass the Bomb, to me at least, felt juuuuuust a wee bit...ironic? too soon? offensive?

Either way, you played by passing this bomb around and, using prompt cards with word pieces on them, throwing out any word you could think of with those word parts until the bomb "blew".

For instance, if the card said, "duc", you could say: deduce, seduce, reduce, induce. Get it?

For a load of English majors, we were not super good.

But it was very fun.

From there, we went on to go to the cinema together (student night!), stopping off first in Tesco for food to illegally sneak into our bags.

We laughed a lot. Which isn't surprising considering we often laugh together. And separately.

Amy took Emma and me home from there after the walk from the cinema to Queen's.

Much like this year, it was a very long day that felt very short.
I'm going to miss them terribly.

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