Monday, May 12, 2014

A Week in Review: Fun for Me and Fun for You

Lots of changes here at Lakeside.
I've got Americans all over the place.

As of last week, my cook had gotten deported, we didn't have food, and I was unsure as to when my three different sets of humans were to arrive.

Now, though, food arrived on my doorstep (Thanks, Tesco!), I was here to receive my people (all of them), and my cook and two supervisors are on their way up from Dublin, all legal and whatnot.

This past week was a blur of fun and activities.

My MA coursemates and I got together for a wee dinner party before my house filled up. We didn't get any photos together, but fun was had by all.
Amy Finlay brought a delectable asparagus soup, Emma brought lasagna as I've never seen made before, Amy Burnside provided garlic bread and the contextual beverage of the evening, and I made homemade ice cream and chocolate sheet cake.

We wined, we dined, and we watched chick flicks as they submitted to my fiddling with bobby pins and their long locks.
It took 3 blondes (minus me) to get open that bottle. Way to go, Amy! 

Classroom friendships are one thing but actually getting out and bonding is another.

Not only were Lauren and I individually tired of being studious, but I also needed to practice some wedding hair tactics and have aid in eating the rest of my cake.

Therefore, she lifted me from the house and we went off in the rain for a cinema night. After the movie, we sat in her car for an hour or so just talking until the windows were fogged from our warm conversation meeting with the cool rain outside.

Back at home, we popped in another movie but didn't watch it. It just gave us some background noise while I worked some magic on her hair. Don't believe me?

I may or may not have mentioned this before, but the salsa portions in this country are nothing short of pathetic. Just pathetic. One jar is the equivalent to half a serving size in The States. Where I come from, we buy our salsa by the jug.

Naomi feels similarly. She grew up in Ecuador and her family is now in Spain, so salsa is something she knows and loves as well.

Therefore, Craig fetched me Wednesday over to Naomi's house, and we (Naomi) made homemade salsa and watched  Modern Family. Very chill evening, but we were all pretty exhausted. And, the wee gem, sent me home with some. I was a happy girl.

Thursday brought me Americans.

More Americans arrived, so I spent a good portion of my day chatting with them and making sure they were settled and comfortable.
Then, that night, I went out on the town with my girlies.

However, the Giro d'Italia was on (international bike race being held in NI this year), so Lynsey, Lauren, and I were trapped on the wrong side of the road from Kiera and our pub.

Eventually, we made it over and ate some lovely food before heading over to a pub for drinks and dancing.

I did leave early, unfortunately, but only because the buses were wacked out from the race, and I was nervous to get home. Not about to make that 6 mile night walk alone again. Made some lovely bus stop friends, though, as all bus stop friends are good friends.

I didn't originally have Saturday plans, but I wanted them.
So, on a whim, I texted my friend Amy to drop everything and bond with me.

She did.

Came over with pints of ice cream and we chatted over boys and Jesus for about five hours in the library, stopping only when we realized that it was nearly 3am.

I left that conversation liking Jesus a whole lot.
That sounds a bit daft, of course I love Jesus. But liking and loving aren't the same.

I was reminded just how great I think he is. I enjoy knowing him and being around him.

I was nudged into that sentiment by the way God demonstrated, by way of my conversation with Amy, the way that he makes pain practical.

Our experiences, while personally and intrinsically good, are not meant to affect us alone. No, all the rocks which smash into our souls create ripples and waves that effect all those around us, even when we don't realize it.

And the crazy times, the beautiful times, are when you're having a conversation with someone and can see an edge of the bigger picture, how your story and their stories intertwine with one another and speak into one another.

And when we are bold, when we are willing, we get the chance to actively participate in sharing with another what you see, where you've been, and what the Lord has done.

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