Thursday, September 26, 2013


Some of you know the many, many trials and tribulations surrounding my enrollment to school. It has been quite the frustrating and futile experience. I am proud to announce, however, that I am officially a (legal) Queen's University student. And everybody said, "AMEN!"

I also met with my classmates today. All five of us. Seriously. Five. And four professors, so go figure that. Choosing our modules (aka courses): we all take a course on Irish Writing together (taught by all professors by turn) and we all choose one additional class.

Guess how many people are in my chosen elective module. Guessing???

Me. hahaha

Eamonn Hughes and I are going to be buddies. I've already told him.

By the way, I am giving a presentation on Monday, despite the fact that it will be the first time our class will meet. My nerdy side got ahead of me and volunteered before the rest of me could fall into place and realize just exactly when I would need to do this. I've been given no parameters. Just me, Oscar Wilde's short stories, and the wide open prairie of my presentation imagination.

Linda Drain (my emailing angel) then enrolled me in my classes and sent me on my merry way to be enrolled again (Required. Why?!).

Long story short, I am finally a student, I have a card that proves it, took two wrong buses today, and ended up walking three plus miles home during rush hour. That part was actually a wee bit fun...

Anyway, I am extraordinarily relieved that this whole long, drawn-out ordeal is complete and that I won't be kicked out of the country.

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