Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Spirit of Newness

Welcome to Belfast City Vineyard church, a lovely place for Jesus worshipers conveniently located a mere .6 miles away from my front door.

I've been plotting attendance at this church since I visited last summer. I don't know what denomination to call it, since it doesn't seem to fit with any I know. It's got worship like JBU, sermon style like First Presbyterian, and the presence of the Holy Spirit like Woodlake Assembly. Except also not.

I have found that in the States, there are many kind of churches, but there seem, to me, to be two distinct groups: those who emphasize the Holy Spirit and those who don't. It's perhaps because I grew up very, very charismatic that I notice the difference so strongly, but it's true.

Either the church is ALL about the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit (healing, tongues, etc) or they attempt, in a holy manner, to pretend as though he doesn't exist. Either way, I've only experienced the trinity extremely out of whack.

This church (judgement based off more than just today) is different. They seem to me to have been mentally blank slated and straight read through the New Testament and decided to live and believe accordingly. The church doesn't push the Spirit, try to convince people of His power, or try to hide it, it's just straightforward about His existence. It's very refreshing.

Additionally, since I do not have independent transportation for the first time since I turned 16, I walk to church. Good Jesus time, I tell ya what.

So, after not attending church for an entire summer, I am now reengaging. It's super awkward, I am unbelievably shy (did not talk to a single person aside from my one chat with "Kathy" during mingle time. Hate mingle time.), and breaking into a new community will be hard by myself, but I've a feeling that such experiences will occur with some frequence in my near future.

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