Saturday, March 15, 2014

#momweek2014 (part 2)

No trip to Belfast is fully complete without a cultural immersion to St. George's Market.

It's this place right near city centre, a warehouse type place, with vendor after vendor of fish and treats and crafts and scarves and really godawful coffee.

So many things you do right, Belfast. Coffee just ain't one of them.

We were in the market for two reasons:
1. Wow Jansie
2. Buy fish

The two of us for months have wanted to make sushi together, and yet, nope. And by months, I mean months before I moved here.

By luck, I happened to have here already all the necessary components for sushi, except fishy fishy.

So, after eating a quiche and a brie and cranberry burger, we explored the city a bit more and landed back at the manor.

For first timers, I think we did a pretty great job!!
*note to selves: eat on day one.

After sushi and some Dr. Who/UK commercials (I love UK commercials), we ventured back into the city for Robinson's Pub.

Since the pub life is such an integral part of this culture, she needed a wee dose of it. Not her favorite, but she tolerated it very well.

We spent the majority of our time there in the karaoke bar downstairs quietly laughing and not so quietly being laughed at. I discovered to whom I owe a thank you for my dance skills...

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