Monday, March 17, 2014

#momweek2014 (part 3)

I know I've just recently told you about my love for Newcastle, but my mother wasn't with me.

Since it was St. Patrick's day, I didn't have class. So, Jansie and I grabbed a bus (or two) and made it down to Newcastle.

I always love the drive there. The weather's always different (even rain has its variations), and I see new parts of the city and countryside that I don't often get to.

Finally, we got there and promptly walked to Maud's for ice cream. They're known for their honeycomb "pooh bear" ice cream, but for copyright issues, it is officially known as "poor bear" ice cream these days.

That's how you can pick out the locals from the foreigners.

I'm tellin' ya, ice cream is always the answer.

Speaking of which, when the Kanukuk group was here, they kept asking me for the best places to eat or go or whatever, and I told them I was useless for that kind of stuff, but I'd be able to tell them the best coffee shops.

That is just not true.
I mean, to an extent it is: I can usually tell you the coffeehouse with the best vibes.
But I know ice cream.

It is my not guilty even kind of pleasure.

In fact, after Maud's and Mom's first fish n' chips--
["It's not my first! I've had Long John Silvers!" 'You've had nothing.']
--we had ice cream again.

It's a place called The Strand, which is a double decker and overlooks the ocean.

To, ya know, burn off a few calories, we then walked to Tolleymore Forest. I am probably spelling that wrong, but I am okay with that.

On the way to the forest, by way of the Bryansford Lane, we came across a field of sheep.

Being that I am an antagonistic little sister, I baa'd at them.

They did not like that.

The entire field started for me, baa'ing loudly in reproach of our approach. Made for a sweet shot, being held captive on Jansie's camera.

The forest was just like I'd left it: green and tall and full of that tingly sensation that something greater than you just has to exist.

It was getting dark and touristy, so we headed back, snagged a bus (complete with a family of 3 plus one large dog named Holly, along with lots of other colorful folks), and vegged out for the rest of the evening, totally pooped.

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