Monday, October 14, 2013

Bus(ted): The Struggle Continues

Transportation systems and I.

Today the struggle only seemed to be bus related. Morning class today, so I headed out to the bus stop to catch my 9:24. No 9:24. No 9:34. No 9:39. No 9:45. Praises and praises when the 9:49 came.

In the bus, I composed what I would say when asked why I was late: "Uhnm. Well, professor. There were no buses." *imagined puffs of incredulity*

The reality? "Proessor, I'm so sorry for my lateness. There were no buses."
                               "Oh no worries! Bomb scare on the A2 again. I only got here 5 to 10."

I know what you're thinking. Bomb scare?

Right? And that excuse totally works here!

Because, normal. My lunch date on Saturday was nearly an hour and a half late to get me because of a bomb scare on the M2. They're kind of recreational here. They're all viable devices, but they're not usually set to kill, just set to annoy. Really.

And then there are the times, like last Monday in East Belfast, that there are dumpsters in the road and the cops just think it's a bomb scare. So you may be driving down the road, go past the trash, see the road is closed ahead and cut off by cops, turn the car around, and see as swarm of black-clothed storm trooper looking fellas flooding the area to remove the "threat."

Oh Belfast.

Other bus noteables from recently:

  • Bus takes a look at the group of 22waiting for it and continues driving. 
  • Bus decides to ignore the "stop" button and passes stop for house. 
  • Bus doors close as I, breathless, make it to the stop. Yes, I ran from the English Department. Wearing a backpack. You may laugh. I know what that mental image looks like. 
Bus tips: 
  • You see your target bus, you hail it like the Queen of England. 
  • Check news headlines before waking up unreasonably early to catch a lift.
  • Avoid the night bus at all costs. 

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