Sunday, October 27, 2013

What a Soaking Web We Weave

It started out as a beautiful morning here in Belfast City. So beautiful, in fact, that when the three staffers set out for church, they were donned in dresses and left their coats at home.

The walk to church is a lovely downhill .6 miles. 

When we got to church, however, the gate was locked and there was a car with two men out front. We'd already had a very confusing time change struggle that morning, so we thought it was a possibility we'd completely missed church. 

Nope! Apparently, church was relocated due to electrical work on the school it's held in. They told us to hop in. Not knowing what to do, we stared at one another thinking, "Who are these men? Are we going to be taken? Where exactly is church?" 

Sensing our trepidation, one of the men turned a large sign toward us, informing us of the venue change. So, we hopped in and they took us the distance they claimed was a 10 minute walk. It was NOT a ten minute walk. 

During church, it began to rain. 

We decided against waiting it out because of yesterday's downpour. 

And that, is when we began our journey. 4 miles, uphill, in the rain, with broken umbrellas. 

It could have been disasterous, but we spent most of it laughing at how absolutely ridiculous it all was. That, and I started narrarating (in a strong German accent) our walk as though we were filming a  survival documentary. 

A mere hundred or so yards away from our home, we got stopped and laughed at by some locals for our attire and general state of bedraggle. 

We made it home an hour after our start time, drenched but happy and very ready for tea. 

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