Thursday, October 3, 2013

Don't Toss the Frost

Today: book hunt, read, baked goods.

Yesterday's read: The Real Charlotte by Somerville and Ross. I can't say I enjoyed it. Austen and Bronte Victorian sass and humor is one thing. Minus the kicks and giggles? No. But it's over.

Today's read. Well, first, the hunt. I had to actually locate the book I needed. Store one didn't have it. Store two didn't have it. Then, upon finding the author but not the title, I realized that I wasn't altogether certain of the book's true author. This led me to a local coffee shop (wifi access) to look it up. But, phone didn't work. Give up? Nope.

"I'm going to be very audacious and very American right now, sir, but you have a smart phone, and I need an answer."

Strangers and I bond. The author of The Land of Spices is Kate O'Brien, not Flann O'Brien (though Flann is coming up). No Alibis still didn't have the title. Funny thing, though, the library did. Go figure. It's a good read, too. Actually, fun fact, it was banned in Ireland for a time for the line, "She discovered them in the embrace of love." Scandal! It's all about nuns and daddy issues, already perfect for my intended dissertation topic.

For those asking, this is a picture of the English Department:

Home, lunch, read, cleaned a bathroom, read, dinner, read, checked  chores.

NAOMI! She came and picked me up for an evening of baking, tea, roommates, and New Girl. I so enjoy her. On the drive home, chatting over her lack of Christian friends, we discovered a mutual disinterest of alcohol and disgust at its flagrant abuse by many we know and by our cultures as a whole. It's nice to know I have an old lady friend such as myself who enjoys simply being with another person and early bedtimes.

Finally, got home for cupcakes and to prevent the demise via sink of a substantial amount of delicious frosting. That is how I came to be writing this blog with a cupfull of frosting beside me. MMM.
(Kelsey, one of the students, joined me in my rescue mission)

Tomorrow's blog promises stories of the Folk Museum and a night out on the town with two friends I met at the Newcomers' Dinner.

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