Monday, October 21, 2013

Experiences "Gained": Food in Paris

Every time my sweet nana ree sends a message to me through my mother, she invariably asks, "What kinds of foods are you eating?!"
And normal food.

So, while I was in France, I kept a food journal for her. Please enjoy.

 First stop: Dublin. Basil, tomato, and brie baguette. Locally sourced and delicious.

Lunch in France. Naturally, I had to get a plate of French fries and, if you give a girl a plate of fries, she's gonna need a bowl of chunky chocolate chip ice cream to go a long with it. 

Dinner may or may not have been thick, delicious hot chocolate. 

 Goooooood morning, France! Chocolate chip baguette from the boulangerie across the street, followed-up by a kilo of grapes. A kilo. No one told me how many grapes are in a kilo of grapes. Abbi and I were eating grapes all the live long day. I may also mention that I asked for these grapes in French.
Lunch was at an outdoor market in the city. Yummy crepe! Crepe, cheese, and egg. It happens to be the lady making it's favorite flavor. I know this because we talked about it. In french. 

aaaaand her husband had me try a roasted chestnut. Not my favorite, but he made for a nice (french) chestnut-related conversation. 

 Dinner compliments of our esteemed patron Billy Stevenson. Rose wine, sea bass, mixed veggies, creme brulee, and champagne ice cream.

 See that lovely outdoor, rainy market? It brought me those grapes, that apple, a fig, and a most delicious apple, fig, pistachio  tart.

We went over to visit the grave of Oscar Wilde, and got a wee bit hungry at the end, mostly due to the fact that we got lost for a long time. The owner of this place did not speak any English. Therefore, he and I spoke some really acceptable Frenglish. 

Tomoato, mozarella, and basilfollowed by chicken and fries and finished of with a creme caramel (really more like a caramel flan). 

After the Notre Dame, we discovered a shop with rows and rows of colored meringue puffs. The one below is a fun mint chocolate

 I'm not even entirely sure of what this is, but it's some sort of flat pastry with chocolate, almond, and coconut.  It was night, and I had the munchies. I finished it off with a few pretty currants.
Cafe au chocolat with a tiny shot glass of water. How else would I end off the day?

Purchased at night for the morning before the flight. Orange and raspberry tarte. And that little brown leaf is a most delicious chocolate name tag.

                                                                      Below is my final French yummy. with most awful lighting. It's a simple croissant. Flaky, dense, and yet oddly light.

So there you go, Daisy Ree. Satisfy all your vicarious food needs?

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