Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Comes in Waves

According to Professor Eamonn, there was some sort of minor hurricane off the coast of England this past week. He told me about the weather when he caught my horrified face looking out the window watching us get slammed with rain and listening to the wind screech like a pissy ex girlfriend.

NI is getting the backlash of it all. I would have known this if I had checked the weather.

The thing is, I don't check the weather anymore. In Oklahoma and Arkansas, I always check the weather. It's one of my favorite parts of every day. It's wildly different from one week or hour to another and I can't wait to see if the projected forecast lines up with reality. It's nerdy and weird, I know. But when I move back and you want to know the highs and lows and percent chance of rain for any given day, I'm your girl.

Here, though, it's different. Mornings are very bright usually and pretty lovely to walk about in. Then, around 2 or so, it clouds up, and by 5:30 it's dark. Expect rain and cloud cover throughout.

Because I don't check the weather, I wouldn't know that English waves were to be splashing our streets and skies with that level of force.

Life in the house and life for me has gotten into patterns. Monday mornings are family meetings followed by hours of class and, if we can snag a ride, Bible study. All the rest of the week, I read. Every hour that I'm not out with the students for a meal or something, I am doing my prep work for class. Fridays sometimes, I go on the day trips with the students, but mostly, I read.

Not complaining. I like to read. Always have. I mention it to say that I am settled into routine. Even the insanity of house relationships has calmed. There's no reason to check the weather. The incoming waves take me by surprise.

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