Saturday, June 21, 2014

Big Girl Job: Week 1

Did I mention how completely structure-less my life was in NI?

It's worth mentioning. Or mentioning again.

Except for that 10am tea break, there ain't nothin' scheduled.

I went to class once a week, give or take. In the middle of the afternoon.

For a year, I existed in this weird 'I do what I want when I want' state.

I've got a riddle for you: What's tea-less and steel-structured?

The Adult Work Week.

8:30-5 every. single. day.

Yes, I recognize that none of you have an ounce of pity for me, "Uh. Yah. Duh. That's what being an adult looks like", but it is a pretty insane culture shock for me. There are a lot of naps involved in my life right  now.

Overall, though, I think I'm going to really like my job once I get going.

My fangirl for JBU thing comes in handy when leading campus tours, and I'm reading through the history of JBU (not helping the fangirl thing).

One particlarly interesting thing I've learned while reading is that John E. Brown Senior tried to leave Siloam nearly 6 times (I haven't finished the book; it could be more). More than that, he attempted to move the entire university over to Sulpher Springs for a few years, too.

And yet, every single time, he came back to her.

Once you find her, you never leave her.
It was never my plan or intention to be here right now, but yet here I am!! And I love it here.
Yes, it's small and a little dinky and we've got amish in our Walmart, but it's a place you want to call home. It's a place you want to build your bookshelves.

It's a place where you can TP your boss's office and not get fired...

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