Tuesday, June 17, 2014

still on the go, now as a pro

It is unreal to me that I've already been back in the states for over a week now.

In some ways, switching back to your home country is like riding a bike: no matter how long you've been away, you kinda slip back into the rhythm, the patterns of it all without much thought.

Things like driving on the "right" side of the road, having wal-mart within 5 miles, speaking americanized english, and being around my family--all things that I thought would be strange to readjust to--seem so normal.

Honestly (though I am pretty convinced it just hasn't hit me yet, been too busy), the only time I've even thought about it all is when I pull out my phone (I HAVE A PHONE AGAIN) to text someone and get concerned that I'm going to be texting them at an unreasonable hour...and then remember we're in the same timezone. If the hour is unreasonable for them, it is also unreasonable for me.

The big girl job started yesterday, and, despite the fact that my free-spirited self is dying a little inside with every moment of my confining, endless schedule, I think it is going to be a really fun job.

The people I work with are fun, sassy, like what they do, and really like my university.

I'm currently stuck in the training paperwork part (my goodness there are a lot of blanks to fill it to officially be a grown-up!), but once it gets going, I'll be all over it.

My recruiting regions are Siloam Springs, Arkansas and the entire state of Texas.

I'm pretty excited to get to use the people skills I've acquired over the past year dealing with people (good and challenging) while waitressing, living with others, and making friends in a country I knew nobody.

Bring it on, angsty teens and helicopter parents!

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