Wednesday, June 4, 2014

One Last Hurrah

Last Friday, Naomi and I hopped a ferry in The Clio and got ourselves over to Scotland to spend the weekend with her brother.

Now, before I went, my mental image of the weekend was hanging with her bro in some sort of little apartment sleeping on the floor and wandering the middle of nowhere during the day.

That is just not what happened.

Naomi had neglected to mention (or I had neglected to remember) that her brother is an outdoor pursuits instructor. So, we spent the weekend in a house just a little smaller than mine in the middle of The Highlands with a bunch of other twenty somethings. It was an absolute blast.
Does this not remind you of "Heidi"? Just a little bit? 

Friday night we were just pooped so, after a cup of tea (Naomi has an addiction), we went to sleep.

In the morning, we and a group headed out with a bunch of kayaks, canoes, and gear to go white water canoeing. Our river ended up in Loch Ness.

Though we called for her sweetly, I'm sad to report that Nessie was feeling a bit of stage fright that afternoon, so we did not, in fact, catch a glimpse of that grand Scottish creature.

What we did do is get fried to a crisp, despite the lack of heat.

Sunday morning, sunburn and all, we went to this wee sweet Scottish church.
Actually, it was in every way just like the church I attended back in Siloam when I went to JBU. Except they all had Scottish accents and there were graves in the front yard. You know, the norm.

After church, Naomi and I, along with her brother and a couple of his friends, went on a "walk."

We had different definitions of walking. It was a scramble. A fun scramble, but a scramble nonetheless up and across large (and small and mid-sized) sharp rocks along the shoreline.

In so doing, we came across a pod (herd? pack?) of seals! Heresay had it that there were also otters about, but we saw none of them.

Monday morning it was time to leave.
Naomi and I had a very, very long day of travel ahead of us.

2 cars, 2 buses (including a layover in Glasgow), and 2 ferries in order to deposit me back at Lakeside Manor, but the journey was gorgeous.

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