Friday, June 14, 2013

10/13/11-THE Assignment to my Honors O group

Service: I like secret service. It makes me feel like a spy. This week I 1. Every time I went to put my food on the conveyor belt of cleanliness in the caf, I would throw away all the napkins and disposable things that were left on all the other dishes on the belt with mine. 2. I took a few friends to Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning even though I didn't need anything there and was very sleepery. 3. I took excellent notes for an upcoming test and sent them to the absent students.
Service doesn't have to be some huge deal. I think that's why I like little service so much. We can get super focused on trying to accomplish some huge service work and making it like a once in a while deal that we forget that service is a daily discipline. One that keeps us humble.

Borderline-Stalker Encouragement: 1. I sent one to a girl who has lovely eyes. 2. One girl who looked very put together and was friendly in a coffee line. 3. A boy in the Freshmen play who did a very splendid job. 4. A gentle giant. 5. Who knows what tomorrow will hold. :) I loved looking for people to encourage. It forced me to pay much closer attention to those around me instead of tunnel-visioning to people I already know and love.

BIG GOAL: Learn how to dance.
This involved a whole lot of mockery via my roommate and hallfriend. And there was videotaping involved. Yes. I really am that bad. I learned how to armroll and the hoedown throwdown. I figured if one white girl could do it, this white girl could do something that resembled it. I get really self-conscious learning things I am not good at. Especially with someone who is good at them (like my roommate). I want to learn how to dance really badly. It's such a wonderful expression of emotion. I, however, look like a barbie doll. Tall, awkward, and stiff. Oh my. :)

SMALL GOAL: Climb 3 trees.
There is physical evidence. So I am not lying.
Tree 1: On the quad. I grabbed on and hung upside down for a bit. Fail.
Tree 2: With my roommate, on the quad, hung upside down for dear life. Fail...funny video though.
Tree 3: Pine tree. It was pretty easy!! I liked it! I got halfway up. But it was right by the construction crew that, of course, wasn't gone by 6 when I was climbing. They laughed at me. a lot. And chatted in spanish about me. Awkward moments....
Tree 1: Retake: my friend Busecruz decided to teach me once he heard my failing plight of trees. After he picked the easiest place to do it and got up himself, I swung up and got it my first try. It was quite the exhilarating experience. I felt insanely accomplished. Then, like a Disney movie, all my friends appeared out of nowhere. That's right. I have witnesses to my tree feat! MUAHAHA! Then I didn't know how to get down....for a very long time...

7 Impossible things:
I rode my bike to the cemetery and lay in the grass in front of Maudie and Robert. Sounds a lot less morbid than it was. The sun was butter warm and the faint sound of chimes sang in the air. At first, I lay and thought of absolutely nothing, reveling in my very sacred, very rare peace.
1. What if all our blood was made of glitter/glitter glue and when we bled it would spread joy and cheer!
2. if when it rained, all the raindrops were magical seeds that sprouted immediately so the world would spread with flowers to frolic in when the rain was over.
3. If clothes automatically grew or shrank to your size so you never outgrow your favorite outfits.
4. If when you were driving somewhere GPS style, the path you were supposed to take on the real road would turn purple and a huge flat would be sticking out of your destination site.
5. If your ears were little speakers to your brain, so the theme music YOU hear that's playing in your head can come out.
6. If you could capture smells in jars. Or like have the ability to recall smells.
7. There was some button in your mouth or something that when you were experiencing a really intense moment you could secretly press so that it would record the whole situation and you could watch it all later. Say goodbye to "you had to be there" moments! FOILED! :) Good moments, bad moments, funny moments, super romantic moments, super awkward moments.

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