Friday, June 14, 2013

7/9/12-Jumble Plunkets

This is probably the most awkward, delicious cookie that I've ever made.
But, before I begin, I would like to talk about the word cookie.
Most misleading title ever. You don't cook cookies, you bake them. Why then are they not called bakies?
And no-bake cookies. Of COURSE they're no bakes! They're COOKIES for Heaven's sake! You cook them. Silly language.

Anyway. These Jumble Plunket Bakies are no-grain, no-sugar (added), and gluten free. Perfect for sweet tooth roommates trying to drag her gluten free roommate down with her. (Not like I know this from experience...)

What you need:
1.25 cups canned chickpeas (rinsed and patted dry)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or more. I like a bit more)
around 3/4 cup of naturally peanut butter (don't forget to stir it first.)
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon baking powder
salt if you like it.
semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips. recipe calls for 1/2 cup. I use more because I love chocolate chips.

Step 1: blend or food process your chickpeas until they are smooth.
Step 2: add in everything else.

When I made these, I tried to slightly warm my chickpeas to make them easier to blend. It didn't. But it did melt the chocolate chips. So my jumble plunkets looked unlike what they should have. But it also tricked my niece and nephew into thinking that they were all chocolate. Silly children. You're eating health. MUAHAHA

Now then. Make small tablespoon or so sized balls and put on a greased cookie sheet. It would really be best if you put a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet, but my way totally works.

Bake at 350 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

Depending on how big your jumbles are, you can get anywhere from 14-20 of these delicious little suckers.

These earn a 9 on the sunshine scale. They're tasty and delicious. Without tasting like it. Mmm...

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