Friday, June 14, 2013


"How Should Colleges Prepare Students to Succeed in Today's Global Economy."

Deeper level thinking plays a vital role in both preparing students to succeed in a global economy and is one of the Nine Holistic Outcomes discussed in class. Thinking ought to be done for the sake of learning and thinking and not for any type of end result. Businesses, according to this article, look for some basic communication skills, analytical skills, and critical thinking. Although college GPA is important in the initial interviewing process, it is not the the major deciding factor in the end of the hiring process. You see, big companies have figured out that they can teach their employees the skills necessary to do their job, but they need to at least have the inherent skills necessary to achieve this future knowledge. I agree with this. I honestly don't think that I can "prove" how I've made progress in these areas. The only way that I know how to gage my growth is by asking people that have been around me for an extended period of time. This would help me understand who I was and who I have become as well as my strengths and weaknesses.

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