Friday, June 14, 2013

9/7/10-adventures as: a compulsive organizer

I went home this weekend. Beautiful. I love being home. Lots of food and fellowship. What can we say? We’re Christians. 
However. My room. My bathroom. ReorganizedTaken apart. Dissected. Blasted. Different. HER WAY! I had reorganized and cleaned and threw away all the random stuff in my bathroom before I left. BUT YET everything was in a new place! In a new room no less! I couldn’t even find contact solution! 
When I returned to school though, about midnight, I reorganized my roommates closet. With her consent of course. Color coordinated. The way it should be. Red/pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, patterns, white, grey, black, pants. Contentment swells within my soul. Organized. Right. Fixed. Proper. My way. In the wise words of some random psycho that I don’t know…”I have CDO, it’s like OCD except in alphabetical order…as it should be.”
Then I went to Google and the word EXPLODED into little balls of color and when you scroll your mouse over it, it does it again and again and AGAIN

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