Friday, June 14, 2013

12/4/11-Footprints That Cannot Be Washed Away

Once, only a short while ago it seems, I wrote a post about how people are washed over like sand on a shore. I don’t think I necessarily believe that anymore. People in their physical present form may, in fact, leave you. It happens. But the influence on your life that they’ve had never does; their spirit, captured in whatever age they shared with you, lives on in your life for all time. That may sound silly and dramatic and romanticized, but it isn’t.
And people get replaced. One best friend turns into another. One boyfriend turns into another. One roommate turns into another. Seasons of change. And that’s okay. The holes get smoothed over in your life. 
But then. There’s this whole other breed of human of which I have known only a few. They are in the category of irreplaceable souls. I didn’t even know this group existed until events changed their course of life away from mine. These are people whose minds are like any other. They think well. They dream differently. And they speak with great alacrity and wisdom. They can, in the same conversation, brim your heart with joy, your eyes with tears, and your spirit with fortitude. They challenge you to be more than who you are. They can be unbelievably silly and unbelievably serious. And no matter where you go in life, they will be the ones that you think about when you’re lonely. Or incandescently happy. Or led into a new chapter. They are your life-sharers. Without them, for however long a period of time, life is meaningless. (that is to say, human presence. obviously life is only truly meaningless without the Lord) These are the people that, even if their time of “best friend-ship” has come to a close, you refuse to let go of. Because you recognize that you’d rather have them in your life distantly than not at all. 
So if you’re reading this and thinking “is she talking about me?” The answer is yes. And even if it’s not, claim it as your own and strive to live your life in such a way as to render this title true of you. 

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