Friday, June 14, 2013

1/13/11-adventures as: a misdirected blogger

thus far, my attempt in this blog has been to blurt out my semi-cruel sarcasm about the amusement that I see in daily life. However, my purpose in blogging isn’t to flaunt my wit (which I readily admit is lacking in comparison to some) but to write. Write about whatever the heck I want to. I’m not all up and about talking about my feelings or what I ate for lunch or how my day is going (because honestly who cares? I certainly don’t care what YOU ate for lunch. I could care less.) Rather. I am hereby calling for aredirection. Punctuation rules out. Topic focus out. Because writing and passion isn’t clean and clear (no acne crisis here, just coincidence). It’s gushy and oozing andvibrant. From now on I do so solemnly swear to write and to write consistently and about whatever I happen to desire to share my thoughts on that day. Thank you for your patience as I strive to discover my voice. You in?

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