Friday, June 14, 2013

11/4/13-adventures as: an amused shopper

I always enjoy a good romp in my local mall in Tulsa. Amongst the screaming moms with their whining, sticky kids, the mall walkers, and the power shoppers, there is a distinct faction that never ceases to bring a smile to my lips. You know them. They’re easy to find….ultra skinny jeans, oversized vans (yes mother, the shoes not the car), teeny short-sleeved t-shirts (even in the dead of winter) that show off their unreasonably (and completely fake) large racks (no, not a shoe racks), and dark make-up. My personal favorite part is the hair. Every one of these special little creatures has straightened the joy out of their unruly tangles and…hey now. Is that a bump-it?! Girl. Are you bumpin’ it right now? OOOOOOh baby. You be bumpin’ it as big as yo fake rack. About the age of 13, some teeny-boppers find it necessary to declare their conformist independence in a very public way. One day these little clones will look back and blush, but for now. We all blush for them.  

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