Friday, June 14, 2013

10/7/10-Adventures as: an exhausted procrastinator

For my honors orientation class, I am required to write a weekly blog post about a given article. This is due every Wednesday before midnight. This week, however, the universe just didn’t allow me that option. Thus, I posted before midnight, but this was the result: 
“This article used a whole lot of words that went in one visual cortex and out the other. I read over it more than once, and honestly nothing stuck in my mind at all. Thus, I cannot coherently formulate any thoughts over this topic because I don’t understand the point and I just don’t care. Not even a little bit. I will probably read back over this in like 2 hours and change it to where I will say something academically pleasing, but for now. This is my blog post. Hoorah.”
I love this. And couldn’t bear to part with it when I edited the post. 

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