Friday, June 14, 2013

9/12/10: adventures as: a swing dancer

Here’s a riddle:
What do you get when you add 
60 girls
40 boys
Christian swicng music
and a spoonful of awkwardness.
That’s right.
School sanctioned dance.
So get out your dancing shoes and let’s boot scoot and boogie the night away! At least that’s what these college students did tonight. 
I must say that my favorite part of the night was being flipped by my friend Andrew. The first time was a surprise and so…well…upside down. But after a couple tries we totally nailed it….kinda. Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
To sum up. effeminate boys who can’t lead. effeminate boys who CAN lead. and London. Who leaps when he twirls me. 
I would say this was a total success. Way to go school appropriate dance. Way. To. Go. 

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