Friday, June 14, 2013

6/27/12- Kool Aid Cupcakes


Sometimes, my best friend and I like to putz about wal-mart for fun. Why? I’m not entirely certain, but it’s a comforting sort of place out west where I live in Oklahoma.
While we were meandering, I happened to ask her her opinion of putting kool-aid mix into cupcakes. What would happen, do you think? She was not in favor. I was. So, I waited until she ditched me for her boyfriend later on that weekend before I did a little experimenting with my packaged flavored drink.
In support of our upcoming national holiday, I purchased little cupcake cups with American flags on them, along with Mixed Berry powder mix for the cupcake base and Strawberry Lemonade powder mix for the frosting. Sounds like a nice mix, right?
Off to mixer!!!
One box white cake mix
Three eggs
¼ cup oil
Some milk. (The box says water, but it’s creamier if you use milk. Just sayin’.)
Kool-aid mix (in hindsight, I would have added two packages of the mixed berry. Both the flavor and the color were lacking. Well. It was an awesome color. It just wasn’t blue.)
Bake in cups (which ought to be filled ¾ of the way full) for 8 minutes on 350 degree Fahrenheit heat.
This’ll make you about 24 cupcakes.

Frosting: Once the cupcakes are cooled, you add some frosting!!!! (AND THE CROWD GOES WILD)
This is just a simple powder sugar mix. You may do something else if you like.
1 box powdered sugar.
Milk. About 1/4th cup.
 One stick butter (softened)
One package kool-aid mix (mine was VERY tart. I should have used half)
If your frosting is too thin, put it in the fridge while your cupcakes are cooling, then beat it for a few moments when it is has cooled.
Frost and enjoy!
I give these a 7 on the Sunshine scale if I had gotten the amounts of kool-aid right. But they are just lovely. So that earns them bonus points. 

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