Friday, June 14, 2013

4/4/11-The Beauty of Not Knowing.

I was always one of those really irritating kids (psh. I totally still am) that, when instructed to do something, consistently asked “why?” Often this was (every. single. time) considered to be rude and disrespectful. But I didn’t mean it that way. Actually I had every intention of doing what had been asked of me. I also just wanted to know why.
However. I am learning that there is a certain level of beauty in the unknown.
For instance. If you look at a piece of artwork, you may not understand it. But you know that the painting upon which you gaze was once an idea. then a stroke. then another stroke. It is the product of hours and hours of passionate struggling. Whether or not you understand it, it has intrinsic value simply because of its creator.
So I’m learning.
Most evidently with God I’m learning. His plans have this funny habit of being exactly the opposite of mine. And I can’t help but let “why?” escape my lips. It doesn’t matter why though. It doesn’t change anything. And honestly it makes faith of less worth. If I always know the answer then of what value is my trust in God?
And so it goes with people. I truly truly hate the answer “because I said so.” I think it’s a cop-out. Which it totally is sometimes. But other times? Other times it’s the only answer you can give. And in those times all you can do is say “okay.” Let go. And pray. And wait. Wait without expectations. Wait with patience. Wait with love.

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