Friday, June 14, 2013

8/30/10-Adventures as an Astronomy Student

WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN…that astronomy wasn’t about stars? That my teacher is an exact replica of my sophomore Chem teacher. That the same skittish man was a figure skater. That my classmates….
  • professional gamers
  • avid anime groupies
  • Texas-country (yes. Texas. The only acceptable type of country. Duh.) music listeners.
  • line up rap songs to old cartoons 
  • skin live snakes. (yes. live. if you skin them dead than it isn’t skinning. it’s considered tanning the snake. so useful if you’d like to make boots. hats. whips. other extremely practical and stylish Christmas presents)
that pluto has been replanatized. 
that college students don’t know how to multiply fractions. 
that it’s necessary to make a powerpoint that looks like this:
  • Ice breaker
  • Your name
  • Your major
  • An interesting fact about you
  • I’ll start
Perfect. Thank you. How would we have known???

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