Friday, June 14, 2013

5/16/12-Irish Adventures: Lessons in Silence

We went into the city in silence yesterday. silence as in we weren’t allowed to talk. at all. for four hours. I’m an introvert, so this wasn’t that hard for me at all. I really enjoyed the time that I got to spend just thinking and reading and journaling and watching the people here.
and there’s something that I noticed.
It wasn’t weird. The culture actually encourages this lifestyle. The Irish weren’t at all what I expected: loud. They are passionate people, but speak when they need to. They don’t just run their mouths like we Americans do. They think with depth and clarity and come out on the other side with something intelligent to say. And with what lovely accents do they say it. 
I don’t really want to leave at all. Not because I’m one of those people that freaks out in love with what is different. I actually am usually strongly opposed to what is different. I don’t want to leave because I make sense here. My personality type is actually normal and understandable. There are other people who think like me. And it is not hard for me to understand now why so many writers escape to here. They can hear themselves and they can hear the silence. You can’t hear silence where I’m from. It’s a lovely place, but it never stops. I think it may be because we’re all afraid of what we’ll hear when we do.

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