Friday, June 14, 2013


I recently asked a friend a question.
Where is it that you experience glory?
I am in the habit of asking questions that give a wide margin for answers. I love this. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they interpret a question. Almost as much as the answer itself. Their answer was specific. A time in the past. Overwhelming. Terrifying. Deep. Powerful beyond any word I can think of.
Here is mine.
I experience glory in water. Specifically. I experience glory when I gaze upon the endless waves of the sea. So many words come to mind when I say that, but the most dynamic in my mind is vast. Oceans are vast. —Seriously. Are you feeling this word?? Say it. Out loud. Experience it. Roll it around in your mouth. It gives me chills— When I imagine God’s love for me, I tend to put it in a box. And put it in my heart. But that is missing the mark. God’s love for His people crashes down like the waves. It floods our bodies and cannot be contained. We literally spend each day drowning in His passion for us. What a lovely way to die to ourselves: drowning in our Savior’s love.

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