Friday, June 14, 2013


pulls us closer to Earth.
But more than that.
Gravity pulls us closer to ourselves.
Neurons weigh down in a bed of veins and capillaries. 
Logic and passion get squished together
until we can’t find one completely bare of the other. 
Gravity falls us.
It crashes tears to shirts—
ours or somebody else’s. 
It yanks on arches in contact with concrete.
It sucks your heart down into your belly
-when you find out what you didn’t know
-when you almost run a red light in 5 o clock traffic
-when you walk in at the wrong time. 
Gravity does not manage grief.
Gravity pulls grief into your lungs to sit,
have a cup of tea, 
and stay for a snatch, 
totally oblivious of the time gone by. 
J-me Odom (5.14.12)

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