Friday, June 14, 2013

1/14/11-freshman 15: myth

it is a common misconception that as recent high school graduates head off to college they will gain what is known as “The Freshmen 15.” My purpose today is to cut that fallacy off by the ankles. The truth is, college students are more akin to little starving puppies roaming the neighborhood than to the overweight loafs that unsympathetically gaze at them from a window. Taking from my previous years as a debator I offer the following three contentions:
1. Caf food sucks.
2. All we want to do is eat.
3. Will there ever be enough easy mac?
The caf. Daily I find myself wandering through the food selection thinking inwardly “Why would I want to put this into my body?” While true there is a salad selection, after a certain period of time it looks as unappealing as the dismal pizza and mystery casserole. This leaves we poor collegeates to part the caf as unsatisfied as we came, thus forcing us into a constant, viscious cycle of food searching, ultimately leading to point 3. The answer is no. Easy Mac has proved itself the most faithful of the food groups, and consequently, has earned a most honored position on the food pyramid.

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