Friday, June 14, 2013

8/31/10-Adventures as: A Coffee Drinker

last night. I stopped for some coffee with abby. As we were diligently studying, (snickers are not appreciated thank you very much) the loud couple near us caught our interest as we overheard the phrase “remember that one time we went to pizza hut with your grandpa…?” Writing this now it doesn’t seem near as funny, but when combined with invisibility (a wall separated us) and their “charming” Arkansas accents, this made for quite a laugh. Later on, Abs alerted me to catch the newest snippet of their conversation which went a little like this….”yep! and he almost made it. If only the security guard hadn’t uh caught his shirt uh movin’. yep. that little feller almost got the monkey onto the plane. you see. metal detectors don’t detect animals. just metal. yessir. he almost made it.” understandably, our fountains of laughter could no longer be contained. yet this made me wonder. could you sneak a monkey onto a plane? Let’s think about this. you take a sympathy belly (you know the ones that psycho pregnant women make their men wear sometimes) and hollow it out. then you could sedate your little monkey friends and put them in. You’d get through the metal detectors and the x-ray. What are they gonna say? “I’m sorry ma’am, but are you aware that your child has a tail?” ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF MY UNBORN CHILD?! This plan is simple. Concrete. And totally worthless unless I go into the monkey smuggling business.  

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