Friday, June 14, 2013

12/3/11-A Cliche Moment on Beauty

Tonight I bought a princess dress. 
Thrifting for an ugly Christmas sweater with a couple of friends, my eyes happened to snag the most fantastical, hideous thing I have ever beheld: a strapless, sequin-bodiced, large tule-skirted, hott  pink dress. In my size. There wasn’t even a moment’s hesitation. It was mine. 
So I took it home (to my room) and put it on. Honestly, I looked pretty ridiculous, like a fairy princess…or a cupcake. But the point is. At some moment in every single little girl’s life, she has wanted to be a princess; to be graceful, beautiful, bright. The funny part is, all those grown-up little girls still do. And they will go to incredible lengths to be validated. Even the ones that pretend that they don’t still act in such a way as to receive affirmation or recognition of their actions. 
Tonight, I was a princess. One who daydreams of being like Bell in the library scene of Beauty and the Beast where she sits on the ground with a book, skirt encircling her. One who spins round and round and round so that the layers of fabric swirl up around her. One who giggles and prances. One who practically eats books she reads them so quickly. One who is quick-witted and thrives off intelligent conversation and adventure.  One who understands that even without all the ado, she is still that girl. 
I think that’s one major component missing from our society. Girls today think they have to mascaraed as someone else in order to be loved and received well. They feel worthless if someone isn’t constantly reaffirming their beauty and worth. They miss the point of beauty. It has nothing to do with dresses or makeup or really great hair. It has to do with your heart. And owning your identity. For all that it is and for all that it is not. 1 Peter 3:4 more concretely states that 
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

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