Friday, June 14, 2013

6/28/12-Side Dish-Ish

I can cook. I can bake. I can even make a tasty bread (or pick one out from the aisle of Reasor's). What I cannot do well, my friends, is make a quality side dish.

However, my attempt is healthy.

3 can salsa. ish.

1 can corn.
1 can sliced pineapple.
1 can chunked tomato.
Spices (I chose rosemary, thyme, and sage. along with, of course, fresh pepper and some salt.)

Dump those all together in a bowl. Drain off the excess liquid.


I give this a 4 on the Sunshine Scale. 3 of those points come from the fact that this is healthy. 1 point comes from the taste. I want to rank it lower, but it's the weird kind of dish that you can't exactly pinpoint if you like it or if you hate you keep eating it.
Therefore, unless you are a health nut, I honestly don't suggest this. The story may be different if those ingredients had been fresh. Or if I'd had chips.

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