Friday, June 14, 2013

6/25/12-Frosted Flake Chicken

//The first 14 of these "new" posts were from a blog I had to have for an honors orientation class. The blog was entitled "Rocks." The next seven posts are all from the summer of 2012 in which I attempted to have a cooking blog named "Half-Baked Blondie." It failed miserably.//

My first kitchen attempt of the summer is fondly known as Frosted Flake Chicken. Do not be alarmed. 
When I don’t have all the ingredients necessary for a recipe I like, I say “no problem! Life’s an adventure anyway!” Sometimes this works in my favor. Sometimes this does not work in my favor. Tonight, I liked my odds. I was told, however, that if this was tried again that regular corn flakes would have been optimal. C’est la vie.
Put some flour, salt, black pepper (I like freshly ground), ginger, nutmeg, thyme, sage, paprika, and cayenne pepper into a large ziplock bag.
If you enjoy a different spice, feel free to toss it in! Cooking is not a science. Cooking is an experience. So enjoy it and do what you want! Estimate!
To that ziplock bag, put as many chicken pieces as you’d like. Make sure that they are a bit damp so as to attract your flour mixture to stay.
Now then, you put these chicken pieces into a skillet which has been on med-high heat and which contains oil of some sort. I like canola. 
Cook until golden. 
Then, take out your pieces and put into a bowl containing diluted honey (does not need to be diluted. But I was low on honey. And I didn’t want my chicken too sweet, what with the frosted flakes and all)
Take it out and plop it in some broken frosted flakes. The more sticky the chicken, the better the chances that your frosted flakes will stick. 
I give this recipe a 5 on the Sunshine Scale. Yes, that is out of 10. It’s good! But it  may only tickle your tastebuds. Not your guests’. 

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