Saturday, June 15, 2013

What I Know.

The first thing many writing teachers will tell aspiring (or not aspiring) writing students is to write about what they know. This has meant different things to me at different times. If I would have been asked to do so (and I was) last summer or any of the summers before, I would have written about lifeguarding.
or being a student.
or a publishing intern.
or an aunt.
or a daughter.
or sister.
or dog-mom.
Currently, though, "what I know" is mexican food and being human.

I waitress at an extremely popular mexican restaurant in the town I grew up in. As an introvert, I was actually more anxious at the idea of working this job than I am about moving countries in September. However, by the Grace of God and the need of money, I have overcome that for the most part.

The best part of waitressing is that there are no wholly bad days. There are bad tables and bad interactions, but one good tip or one kind family can honestly make everything better. I have had every extreme of people from black to white to indian to christian to very nonchristian to creepy old men to darling old ladies and couples.

This serves as my preface, and it comes with no sour cream or guacamole on the side, unless, of course, you'd like to add some for an upcharge of 2.29.

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