Friday, June 14, 2013

5/13/12-Irish Adventures: Wandering Well

It is common knowledge (at least to my tweet followers) that I frequently get lost in forests. I don’t know how it happens, but it does. Often. 
yesterday, I got lost in the best way. While in Tollymore Forest, a friend and I decided to travel up dried-up waterways. It was a lovely choice. It took us through yellow and purpled meadows, across a stream, to a well-hidden staircase cut into a hill, and through to a mossy archway dated back to the early 1400s. It was in this forest that C.S. Lewis got his ideas for Narnia. It was in this forest that Tolkein imagined his living trees. And it wasn’t hard to see why. These trees breathed with us, invited us along on our journey to discover life and creativity and magic. 
When we stumbled upon a log cabin and a farm (not part of the intended tour) we decided it was time to find the main path again and book it back to civilization.
We then went on to Newcastle. It was here that I got to walk along barefooted on the shore of the Irish Sea. Despite the chilly whip of the wind, the water was warm and inviting. Madi and I tripped along, periodically tossing our shoes farther onto shore with the swelling tide. I found some beautiful shells, almost stepped on a crab, and seriously considered going European and taking a skivvy-dip.
I did not.
It was a day of unscheduled time to wander and wonder at lovely places.  

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