Friday, June 14, 2013

4/6/11-Share in the Good Work of the Lord

Featured scripture of the day: Ephesians 4:28 “For those who steal, steal no longer. Instead, put your hands to good use so that you may benefit those in need.” 
Alrighty. So. This verse is really intense. If you are like me, you have a “thing.” And that thing is the thing that keeps you from Christ. It is the thing that you place identity in (whether you want to admit it or not). That thing…will make you a slave forever and prevent you from sharing in the abundance and pleasure that is in our Lord Christ Jesus. 
AND, if you’re like me. You can see that thing. And you can read this verse. And you can be left in utter stupification. (made up that word. just then.) Because you think…”Well God. If I take this huge chunk of my life out, then I am no longer whole. If I cut this out then I will be incomplete. If I cut this out then who will I be.” The incredible and ironic part about all this is that it is ONLY when you let God be in control that you are MADE WHOLE and LEARN WHO YOU ARE!!! WOOHOO!! ahhh!!!!!!!! Freedom in Christ is so thrilling and dangerous and exhilarating!!!! —sorry. tangent of God’s grace and mind-blowing, life-altering goodness. What was I saying?—ah yes. ahem. 
Problem: What do I fill it with?
Step one: Seek the Lord!!! Tithe your time! Make sure it is as inconvenient as possible. And then praise him for every moment that you think “I am exhausted. I don’t want to be awake. Why am I up so early? ughhhh” 
Step two: Pray for and encourage others. Stop being so selfish!!! Get your mind off yourself! Someone cut you off in traffic? So what? You can’t do anything about it. So pray that they get to their whatever it is on time. Pray that God uses their extra thirty seconds well. You love someone and you don’t know how to let them go? Start praying for their future husband or wife. Talk about loving your enemies. God will do some work in you really quickly and will allow you to let them go so much better. 
Step three: Be thankful in faith. I know for me there are some days that suck. And I knew they were going to suck from moment one. But God is big. Stinkin’ big. He can change anything if he wants to. So from moment one, step out in faith and thank God for the brilliance he is going to bring to that day. Ask for opportunities to be used by him. Ask to be brought to a point of humility for his name. 
That’s all there is. I guarantee that God will fill that void that your “thing” leaves. HeWILL put your hands to good use. And you will live a more abundant, full, joyful life because of it. You won’t even be able to contain it. Joy will just splash out all over the place. Why? Because God. Is. Good. And for some reason, he loves you. Even though you are the slime of the earth. Even though you are shattered. Even though you have been chewed up and spit out by somebody or something. 
He makes you beautiful. He sees you as beautiful. And he will send you out to be beautiful for his name. And bring others to see his beauty in them. 
He is just so good like that. Praise be to God. Praise be to the kindest one that I know. Praise be to the one who can take the thing you think will kill you to bring you life. Holy crap. You are so good, Lord. I am enthralled by your beauty. 

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